Mario Benevides
Mario Benevides' current and former students
Current students
Ph.D. students
Isaque Maçalam Saab Lima, "Dynamic Epistemic Logic with Concurrent Communication Actions".
Vitor Pereira Machado
, "Populational Announcement Logic".
Anna Carolina C. M. de Oliveira.
Luiz Claudio F. Fernandez.
MSc. students
Pedro Dupim, "A Modal Logic Approach for Logic of Access Cpontrol".
Former students
Ph.D. students
Paulo F. Pires
, "WEBTRANSACT: A Framework for Specifying and Coordinating Reliable Web Services Compositions ", 2002.
Vania Costa, "A Two-Dimensional Modal Logic for Knowledge Representation in Multi-Agent Distributed Systems", 2002.
Renata Pereira Freitas
, "Fork Modal Logic", 2002.
Vera Lucia Prudência dos Santos
, "Concurrency and Synchronisation for Process Propositional Dynamic Logic", 2005.
Carla A. D. M. Delgado
, "Modelling and Verifying Epstemic Properties in Multi-Agent Systems", 2007.
Luis Menasche Schechter
, "Applications of Modal Logics to Graph Theory and Concurrent Systems", 2010.
MSc. students
Odinaldo Rodrigues
, "PROMAL: Modal Action PROLOG and Belief Revision in Pseudo-Definte Sets", 1993.
Marcelo Sihman, "Deadlock Detection in Algebraic Specifications for Concurrent Systems", 1998.
Carla A. D. M. Delgado, "Reasoning about Events and Knowledge in Distributed Systems", 2001.
Michel A. Carlini, "Specification of Knowledge Based Multi-agent Systems", 2002.
Marcelle Camara de Souza, "Modal Logic and Verification of Message-Passing Systems", 2002.
Ricardo Pires Mesquita, "PROCALCULUS: Logic Programming and Process Algebras", 2003.
Lorena Sophia C. de Oliveira, "Specification of Educational Software using Diaologues Logic and Multi-Agent Systems Based in Knowledge", 2004.
Ricardo Fernandes Ribeiro, "Logic Programming in Extensive Games", 2005.
Paulo Coelho Ventura Pinto, "Modal Tableaux Method for Epistemic Logic with Common Knowledge Operator", 2005.
Luis Roberto Medeiros Lopes, "MAPKAT: A Logical Framework for Multi-Agent Planning", 2006.
Daniel Levitan, "Algorithms for Finding Equilibrium in Games Based on Graphs", 2007.
Edno Vicente Silva, "Formal Specification and Automatic Verification of Scientific Workflows", 2010.
Eduardo Waghabi, "Aplicação de Modelos Ocultos de Markov em Jogos de Estratégia Mista", 2010.
Rafael Nader. "Jogos Ocultos de Markov", 2013.
Isaque Maçalam Saab Lima, "Evolução do Conhecimento", 2013.
Glauco Ofranti Trindade, " VIDEO GAME DEVELOPMENT ONTOLOGY", 2015.
Vitor Pereira Machado, " POPULATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT LOGIC", 2016.
Anna C. C. Moreira de Oliveira, "Model Checking Dolev-Yao Multi-Agent Epistemic Logic", 2018.
Luiz Claudio Frederico Fernandez, " A Tableaux for Dolev-Yao Multi-Agent Epistemic Logic", 2018.
Last updated: December 2018.